Given helps you help others.

Through small donations for specific needs (say diapers for a newborn),
we help our neighbors make it through.

Our mission is to help
our neighbors. One day at a time.

How It Works


Members post items they need (say diapers for their newborn).


Someone in our community (that’s you!) pays for the needed item.


We order & ship items to members. Your support goes to good use.

Be involved

Given works through the kindness of strangers. Be the support someone needs today.

Let us help

We all need a little help sometimes. Given is direct support for the times when you need it most.


  • At the moment we are offering support to families and single parents with children in The Bay Area. Although need comes in all forms, we can do the most good if we focus our efforts. Of course in the future we’d like to expand to anyone in need, but for the moment children and families are our focus.

  • We’ll keep you updated on your donation from purchase to delivery, while still maintaining the privacy of our members. We want to be 100% transparent, and you can always reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Of course! We’re still very much in beta, but feel free to spread the word far and wide. We may not be able to accept everyone who wants to help, but we’ll have a waitlist they can sign up on.

  • We would LOVE to be introduced to orgs that can help spread the word about our project. Just email us, and we’ll be sure to get back for a chat.

  • Click Give Support above, then we’ll send you a weekly email with our new members in need.

  • Items are currently shipped to either their home address or a nearby Amazon Locker for pickup.